Esports Parents
We are Modesto Esports League MODeL @ Modesto City Schools
MODeL Players
MODeL Champions
Esports MCS Responsible Player Agreement for Parent / Guardian
Does your student want to participate in esports? All students need parental permission to participate. Check out the videos below in English and Spanish on how to fill out the MCS Responsible Player Agreement. Then, choose the appropriate form from below and fill it out
If your student is:
A 3rd-6th Grader
A Middle School Student
Joining a 9-12 Competitive Esports Team (Tues/Thurs afternoons)
Fill out this form or use the QR code below:
If your student is:
A 9-12 student playing during open lab time (weekday mornings or Mon/Fri afternoons)
Fill out this form or use the QR Code below: