Modesto Student Analytics (MSA)

PowerSchool Analytics & Insights

Imagine it's Monday morning. You're preparing for the week ahead, wondering how to best support your students. What if you had a magic wand that could instantly show you which students need extra help, who's improving, and where to focus your energy? That’s exactly what Modesto Student Analytics does for you!

This user-friendly tool puts powerful information at your fingertips:

  • See attendance patterns at a glance

  • Track grades and progress effortlessly

  • Monitor behavior trends easily

  • Understand how students are measuring up to standards

Unlock Deeper Student Insights

Data-Informed Conversations

I've seen that there is no more powerful way to initiate significant change than to convene a conversation. When a community of people discovers that they share a concern, change begins. There is no power equal to community discovering what it cares about.

Margaret Wheatley  

   Turning to One Another: Simple Conversations to Restore Hope to the Future, page 22

Pro Tips

Help Center

Pro Tip! Use the Help Center in the platform found in the top right corner just click on the ? icon.

Help Center features Getting Started and Guides for each of the Dashboards.

Also, in the top right you will find the App Launcher for easy access to PowerSchool Products like Performance Matters, PowerTeacher, Schoology, and PD Catalog (Professional Learning).

Help Center in Analytics and Insights

Self-Paced E-Learning in PD Catalog

Modesto Student Analytics - Classroom Module
Counts for PD Incentive

This course will equip you with the skills to leverage PowerSchool's analytics tools, turning education data into actionable insights. You'll learn to visualize trends, and make data-driven decisions that enhance student outcomes and overall performance.


Q & A