Film/Video Production

Ready to learn how to make videos like the professionals? Work with your friends on fun projects like music videos, stop motion, commercials, green screening, special effects, and many more! Learn about Video Production using state of the art professional video equipment and software applications such as Adobe Premiere, After Effects, Audition, and Animate.
Some of the topics of study in this course include filming & camera technique, digital video editing, digital audio, video space & time, still photography as video, television production, special effects, capturing, equipment use & safety, script writing/storyboarding, acting, lighting & accessories, digital animation, and more!
Video Arts and Production gives the student the opportunity to acquire the technical knowledge and requisite skills needed for successful entry level employment in media related occupations and/or advanced post-secondary studies. It provides training in still and motion picture acquisition, non-linear editing, presentation graphics and systems (electronic and print), sound and lighting design, digital animation, special effects, titling, multimedia workflow, and studio based & field (location) video production. Course content is structured through lecture-laboratory experiences as it relates to individual and group projects. Each student will complete a portfolio of his/her work.
Career Technical Education (CTE) Pathway

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Nicolas Garcia
Video Arts and Production