Modesto City Schools kindergarten through sixth grade classes will implement common core standards based report cards. These report cards will provide information on student's progress in meeting the state's expectations on specific learning standards. It is our hope that standards-based report cards, together with teacher conferences, will provide more detailed information for you to understand and support your child's learning.
The report card and parent/teacher conference will answer the questions:
"What does your child need to do to make the most of his or her strengths and to further develop those areas requiring attention?"
Student performance exceeds grade level standard.
Student consistently and independently exceeds criteria for grade level standard. There is strong evidence of proficiency based on a variety of assessments, classwork, and projects that demonstrates student has exceeded grade level concepts.
Student performance meets grade level standard.
Student regularly and independently meets criteria for grade level standard. There is consistent evidence of proficiency based on a variety of assessments, classwork, and projects that demonstrates student has mastered grade level concepts with limited errors.
Student performance is progressing toward grade level standard.
Student occasionally, with support, meets some criteria for grade level standard. There is little evidence the student can independently demonstrate proficiency on grade level standard based on a variety of assessments, classwork, and projects.
Student performance is below grade level standard.
Student is unable to meet criteria of the grade level standard. With support, there is no evidence based on a variety of assessments, classwork and projects that the student demonstrates proficiency on grade level standard. Student is one or more years below grade level. Student may be at risk of retention.