With over 30 clubs on campus, Johansen offers a variety of opportunities for students to become involved. Students are encouraged to become actively engaged in extracurricular activities and to make the most of their high school experience. Student clubs offer community service opportunities, academic support and competition, promotion of school pride and culture, and outlets for students to explore their interests and passions.
Programs, activities, and student clubs are available to all persons without regard to actual or perceived age, ancestry, color, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, gender expression, immigration status, nationality, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.
Club, Name, Advisor, Room
Academic Decathlon - Denise Williams - Library
Ag Mechanics - Armando Cervantes - V106
Anime Club - Amber Youngman - H114
Black Student Union - Nicole Evans - H113
Book Club - Summer Hansen - H201
California Scholarship Federation - Ann Amador - H211
Card Playing Club - Courtney Ciszek - B106
Challenged Olympics - Pete Swanberg - V109
Cheer - Andrea Sanchez - V205
Chess Club 2.0 - Nicolas Garcia - B206
Class of 2022 - Anabel Garcia & Ruth Gomez - H105 / H214
Class of 2023 - Priscilla Solorio - B211
Class of 2024 - Seth Simas & Ryan White - H208
Class of 2025 - Sherry McIntyre - H217
Crochet Club - Carrie Phillips - B113
Culinary Foodies - Dustin Parson - V202
Dance Production - Andrea Sanchez - Dance
Drama - Summer Hansen - H201
Floral Design Club - Jessica McGuire - V201
Freestyle - Louis Munoz - H206
FFA - Dustin Parson & Jessica McGuire - V201 & B103
GSA - Amanda Fuentes - H103
HYLC - Cristina Albarran - H112
I Can Club - Tony Heintz - V109
Instrumental Music - Brad Hart - A119
Key Club - Denise Wright - H215
Link Crew - Grant Genasci & Rhoda Genasci- H111
Mock Trial - Ann Amador - H211
NAHS - Morgan Andre & Frances Hartley - V204
Never Give Up Club - Valerie Yoder - H220
PHAST - Andrea Sanchez - V205
The Guild - Anne Veneman - H102
Viking Gardeners - Bryce Megee - V107
Viking Voices - Jennifer Perier - A117
Yearbook - Rhonda Oliver - H201